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“Falls and fractures in older people are often preventable. Reducing falls and fractures is important for maintaining the health, wellbeing and independence of older people. ”
Falls: applying All Our Health, Public Health England
“Falls in hospital can result in:
• Loss of confidence and slower recovery, even when physical harm is minimal
• Distress to families and staff
• Legal action against hospital trusts
• Overall costs to hospitals of £630 million per year”
Julie Whitney, National Audit of Inpatient Falls clinical lead Royal College of Physicians, December 2024
This national falls summit focuses on reducing inpatient falls, and harm from inpatient falls. Through national updates, practical case studies and learning from the National Audit of Inpatient Falls report published in October 2024. The conference will provide a step by step guide to implementing the multiple interventions that have been proven to reduce falls in your service. The conference will focus on the recommendations from last years National Audit of Inpatient Falls and address how we can ensure patients are as active as possible rather than reducing activity to reduce falls which leads to deconditioning. The event will include practical advice on implementing Multifactorial Assessment to Optimise Safe Activity (MASA) which has been developed by the Royal College of Physicians and recommended for use by the 2024 National Audit of Inpatient Falls (NAIF), and provide advice on immediate post falls management.
“The purpose of the Multifactorial Assessment to optimise Safe Activity (MASA) is to prepare and encourage a hospitalised older adult to be as active as possible by identifying and addressing issues that may compromise their safety when moving around. We hope that positive communication concerning being active, rather than the more negative message of preventing a feared event (a fall), will enable staff, patients and families to feel confident in encouraging activity.”
Royal College of Physicians, What is MASA 2024
“Trusts and health boards (HBs) should review their policies and practice to ensure older hospital inpatients are enabled to be as active as possible.”
National Audit of Inpatient Falls, October 2024
This conference will enable you to:
Network with colleagues who are working to reduce inpatient falls, and harm from inpatient falls
Understand the national context and learning from the National Audit of Inpatient Falls
Explore the new Patient Safety Incident Response Framework (PSIRF) in relation to falls and Gaining insight from Inpatient Falls (GIIF)
Understand the recommendations from NAIF on optimising safety while staying active in hospital and the new MASA assessment framework
Improve care for patients by reducing inpatient falls, and harm from inpatient falls in your service
Reduce falls in older people presenting with frailty
Understand why patients who suffer fractures as a result of inpatient falls experience comparatively longer delays to hip fracture care: improving post-fall management
Learn from trusts who have developed multifaceted inpatient falls prevention programmes that work
Improve immediate post falls care and management and ensure there are robust governance processes in place to understand when post-fall checks fail to correctly identify a fall related injury’
Understand how you can reduce harm from inpatient falls particularly focusing on inpatient hip fracture
Improve Multi Factorial Risk Assessment ensuring all components are covered
Improving practice in the identification and management of people at risk of falls at ward level
Reflect on case studies to reduce related to medication related falls including hypotension induced by medication
Reducing falls resulting from delirium
Self assess and reflect on your own practice
Supports CPD professional development and acts as revalidation evidence. This course provides 5 Hrs training for CPD subject to peer group approval for revalidation purposes