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Nursing Leadership

Mon, 9 Jun 2025

Virtual, Online

How nurse leaders can build optimism within their teams, improve communications, and encourage self-awareness of health and wellbeing

This one-day virtual masterclass will provide networking opportunities with fellow nursing professionals as you share insights and lived experiences on this interactive, conversational approach to learning and developing, whilst growing your knowledge to better support your teams with compassion, understanding and optimistic leadership skills.

Together with providing tools and techniques for you to take back to your teams to raise awareness and open up conversations around health and wellbeing and how important it is for everyone to put their own self-care back in the frame. Encouraging first steps together can help improve team spirit, lift morale, and give a ripple effect to everyone around.

Who would benefit

Nursing professionals: Nurse leaders (leads), Charge Nurses, Clinical leads, and for those who are leaders in the nursing profession who feel extra tools, techniques, coping mechanisms and strategies, together peer support would provide a welcome morale boost.

Key Learning Objectives

  • Understand the key elements that make up compassion and improve communication

  • Learn about empathy and compassion and the differences.

  • Understand why psychological safety is paramount and even more vitally important in times of uncertainty.

  • Learn how destructive conflict can be and how it impacts on team morale and productivity.

  • Develop awareness of the link between language and conflict.

  • Understand what causes conflict, develop strategies to prevent conflict, manage different characters, and have a cohesive team.

  • How to encourage your team to build awareness of health and wellbeing and taking small steps to put everyone’s health back in the frame.


Christine Steel has a passion for finding ways to lower the levels of anxiety and stress suffered by students, having personally experienced the impact that the stress of education can have on health with her own daughter. She believes in prevention and finding ways to reach a balance between education and health to avoid suffering from burnout.

Christine has created and developed a series of talks and workshops to share the importance of taking your own self-care seriously. Christine has been a speaker on webinars for online conference events for raising awareness and supporting NHS staff and other medical professionals primarily in the pharmaceutical sector for the need to put their own self-care back in the frame and to take their health and wellbeing seriously.

Christine has had previous experience of working in the NHS in the Women and Children’s Directorate as the Medical Workforce Officer supporting both obstetrics & gynaecology and paediatrics. Later working in CAMHS and then working in the Executive Directorate as the Compliance & Corporate Support Officer. This role involved working with the Clinical Management Team, the Hospital Management Committee, and the Board of Governors.

Facilitated by:

Ms Christine Steel

Mind Health And Wellbeing

In-house Training

This course can be held at your organisation for up 25 delegates, we can tailor the content to suit your organisation and CPD needs of your staff. Led by experienced and highly rated trainers, in-house training works out cost-effective for groups and saves travel time.

Contact katym@hc-uk.org.uk with your requirements for further information and a quote.

In-house Training

Fee Options

Virtual NHS, Schools, Care and Public Sector



(Prices in brackets include VAT)


Additional delegate discount:

A discount of 15% will be applied to fees for any extra delegates.

Online discount:

A discount of 10% will be applied if you pay using the website.

Also of Interest

Supporting Organisations

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