A day of short 2 hour presentations on key topics for the sector including CQC compliance, safeguarding and pressure ulcers, medication management
With all the recent changes in regulatory landscapes this master class gives registered persons, owners, providers and senior staff the opportunity to ensure that they are inspection ready. The day also looks at the main areas. Identified in recent inspections where services fail to obtain a ‘good’ rating, at either their onsite or virtual inspections. There are bite size sessions to enable the maximum out of the day and include safeguarding practises, skin integrity and wound management, including the recent protocols have been released in 2024., The area of medication management remains one of the highest areas for services to be rated as either requires improvement or inadequate. The day will look at what s best practice and how to avoid these ratings.
This masterclass will enable you to:
Review your inspection readiness
Update your safeguarding procedures for skin integrity and wound management
Review compliance with medication management and auditing requirements